TO work with static files directly in nodeRed, open the settings.js in \Users\\.node-red. Point your browser to You should be looking at the nodeRED interface:Ĭonfiguring nodeRed Create a Static directory Once installed, the simple way to run Node-RED is to use the node-red command in a command prompt: If you have installed Node-RED as a global npm package, you can use the node-red command: Npm install -g -unsafe-perm node-red Run nodeRED Execute the following at the command prompt: OSX or Linux Node version managers Windows Node. Installing nodeRED as a global module adds the command node-red to your system path. Overview Checking your version of npm and Node.js Using a Node version manager to install Node.js and npm.

Once installed, open a command prompt and run the following command to ensure Node.js and npm are installed correctly: Installing Node.js requires local administrator rights. Installing Node.jsĭownload the latest version of Node.js from the official Node.js home page. The instructions are specific to Windows 10 but should also work for Windows 7 and Windows Server from 2008R2. Although Node.js isn’t officially supported under Windows 7, the Salesforce DX CLI still works.Setting up nodeRED in a Microsoft Windows environment. the Node.js runtime on Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux without changes.

The next time you use the SFDX CLI, Node.js will skip the platform check and let you use the CLI. Node.js is a JavaScript-based platform for server-side and networking applications.